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How we began

Gloria Ginn and Lynne O’Quinn attended prayer events in D.C. in September 2020.  Thousands of Christians from different denominations (streams) gathered on the Mall to pray for our country.  The scripture used was 2 Chronicles 7:14.


We both felt God was telling us to begin praying for revival for Fayetteville.  We named ourselves PRAYER RENEWAL and later changed it to PRAY REVIVAL.  We met once monthly with others who joined us to pray for revival.  We continued for a year until Gloria was needed for more intensive care-giving for her parents.   During that year God was preparing us for what He was doing next.


Then our core team grew in number and we have had others join us for prayer.

We have met every month since then for prayer for Fayetteville and are looking for Holy Spirits' direction on next steps.

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